Legend Da Nang Golf Resort -Domestic Norman
Hòa Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng
Các tiện ích & dịch vụ
- Private function - Wedding - Meeting & Conference - Pro shop - Driving Range
Legend Da Nang Golf Resort -Domestic Norman
The Dunes course is situated on the fledgling central coast of Vietnam amid 150 hectares of dunescape similar to what the world’s first golf courses were carved from. Its chief feature is a 7,160-yard, 18-hole, links-style layout that was designed in the true spirit of the game — blown-out bunkers, firm and fast fairways that bleed gently wild seaside vegetation, rugged waste areas, swales and hollows — by Australian golf legend and former world No. 1 Greg Norman. It lies in close proximity to two of Vietnam’s most historic destinations — UNESCO World Heritage sites Hoi An and Hue — and offers breathtaking views of the Marble Mountains, East Sea and Cham Islands When Greg Norman checked in on the progress of the Dunes Course, in March 2010, he said: "The fact is, youd be doing a very poor job to make a boring course out of a site like this." Certainly Mother Nature had a gigantic hand in the formation of a layout that evokes an experience often found in seaside courses in the British Isles and southeastern Australia. But make no mistake: This is Vietnam. One look at the stunning, par-3 16th hole – back-dropped as it is by traditional, long-tail fishing boats that troll the warm waters of the East Sea – is all it takes.
Mô tả sân golftimes | Tiện ích & dịch vụtimes |
Diện tíchtimes: Số người chơi: 1 - 4times Số lỗ: 36 lỗ |
- Private function - Wedding - Meeting & Conference - Pro shop - Driving Range |
Mô tả đường golftimes

Legend Da Nang Golf Resort - Inbound
Hòa Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng
Người chơi: 1- 4 Số lỗ: 36 lỗ
5:30 - 17:00
Tee time
Giá ngày thường
Giá cuối tuần

Ba Na Hill Golf Resort - Inbound Korean
Thôn An Sơn, xã Hòa Ninh, huyện Hòa Vang, thành phố Đà Nẵng
The distance from Da Nang city is 45km
Người chơi: 1- 4 Số lỗ: 18 lỗ
8:00 - 17:00
Tee time
Giá ngày thường
Giá cuối tuần

Ba Na Hill Golf Resort - Domestic
Thôn An Sơn, xã Hòa Ninh, huyện Hòa Vang, thành phố Đà Nẵng
40km từ Đà Nẵng
Người chơi: 1- 4 Số lỗ: 18 lỗ
05:30 - 17:00
Tee time
Giá ngày thường
Giá cuối tuần